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You Can't Construct Creativity

A History Lesson of My Creativity

By LovelyShelterPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

The velocity of waking up at 6 in the morning.

Taking my medication, chugging a quick red bull,

while I smoked the same brand of cigarettes.

Blaring the same song over in my head.

Waiting to get picked up so I can haul whatever materials to the truck is needed.

Then getting to the jobsite, quickly setting up, Im given a task.

I'm following that task till lunch.

Sitting blaring the same song over and over in my ears as I chug another red bull.

Frozen lips, smokers lungs, spaghetti with meatballs ravioli.

The same two granola bars and two cheese sticks,

A Gatorade to replenish the electrolytes.

Going back from lunch early.

Starting a new task.

Trying to finish that task so I can go home.

The velocity of a 9 to 5, the same song.

The same people, the same tasks.

You begin to grow weary,

Then You grow tired.

Working like that your health starts to degrade.

The same stupid construction jokes.

The same thing over and over again.

No need for weekends.

You can't afford to take weekends.

You can't take your eyes off the amount of money in that pay check.

It fuels that greed filled pride.

You feel you can do this forever.

Then the abuse kicks in.

Everything you desire is set apart because you have that mentality.

You don't need to be creative to be a Machine.

You don't have to have fun anymore.

You just have to do this.

This is your life.

This is your life you choose.

Creativity is a past mindset; but is it really?

Are you cheating yourself so you can get rid of that reality?

You become so hollow inside you forget just who you are.

The same song over in your head, the same brand of cigarettes,

The same red bull

Why did you let yourself get that bad?

Why did you spend so much much money trying to fill that hole that you have left.

That hole is supposed to be filled with creativity.

Instead you filled it with the horrible reality of greed.

I made a promise to myself to not do this again.

Because I don't see my purpose in the world

Embodying the reality of another mindless machine.

surreal poetry

About the Creator


I embody the reality of a creative soul.

Art is the embodiment of freedom and risk,

You don't have freedom without taking risks.

You don't have art without embodying freedom.

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