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The Sky

Self-Love Poem

By Skylar RellaPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

I am the sky:

I’m beautiful,


I’m unpredictable.

I change day by day;

Some days I’m more


More pleasant

Than others

When I’m


Casting shadows on

Everyone and everything

Around me.

I am the sky:

There’s always a shining light,

Glowing inside of me--





That light defines who I am

And can never be put out.

But, some days,

The days

I’m not too proud of,

I hide myself behind

False identities,

Out of fear of not being accepted

For who I am.


It’s easier to hide

Than to let my true identity

Shine through.

I am the sky:

You can’t always see me above you,

But my presence is always there,

Hanging just over your head.

Even when you can’t see me,

I’m there

For comfort,

For reassurance,

For support;

I’m there

As someone to talk to,

Someone to listen,

Someone to trust,

And someone to depend on,

Because I’ll always be there,

Hanging just over your head.

I am the sky:

Prominent in select people’s lives--

The ones who pay close attention to detail;

The ones who notice,

Who care about their surroundings.

To some,

I’m just in the background,


People pass

With nothing but a glance at me,

Forgetting that I’m even there,

Hanging just over their heads;

Forgetting I’m as complicated

And as layered as they are.

I may not be the same,

But that doesn’t mean

I don’t have a story,

A history,

Wars I’ve won,

And battles I’m still fighting.

I am the sky:

I can be nothing

But a pleasant landscape to gaze at,

If you choose to do nothing

But look.

But, below the surface,

I’m complex:

Overwhelming thoughts

And ideas

And fears

And wants

And needs

And love

And hate

And opinions

And views,

Sometimes even contradicting one another

Inside of my very being.

I am the sky:

Those who take notice of me,

Love me,

Appreciate me.

Those who don’t care to notice,

Forget I exist,

Hanging just over their heads,

Lurking in my separate,

Individualized reality;

My own, separate world.

While all must come across me

And have no choice but to see me,






Is a choice.

I am the sky:

Sometimes I cry,

Sometimes I strike others violently

In my anger,

Attacking other people

To make them feel the

Pain that I feel.


In my anger,

I anger others,

Or make them cry.

But, after I suffer,

I come out smiling;

After I upset others,

I refuse to leave anything unresolved,

And I refuse to leave a person

With a frown instead of a smile.


The times my true colors shine through most

In the form of an extravagant rainbow,

Is after a broken heart.

I am the sky:

On most days,

I am confident,



Unafraid of anyone

Or anything.

I am the sky:

Through the emotional rollercoaster ride

That comes along with my very existence

In this universe;

Through every seasonal shift in weather,

Seasonal shift in feeling,

I am the sky,

And I love the sky unconditionally.

love poems

About the Creator

Skylar Rella

visual & performing artist.

original art attached to written pieces.

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