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You're Not Real

To His Mistress

By RemmizGirlPublished 6 years ago 2 min read
Dear Slutface...

You are not real...

You were never intended to be.

You were only used to escape,

The pressures of reality.

It could've been anyone...

It was never really "you."

Don't ever feel flattered,

It's true.

Everyone needs a place,

To hide and forget,

To escape from it all,

When reality turns to regret.

You serve as that place,

A created fantasy.

A secondary world,

Because he gets mad at me...

When you became tangible,

You lost being that place.

When you tried to be his reality,

It was something he couldn't face.

Just think back...

To the brief time you were real,

He escaped that world,

Not liking how it made him feel.

He needs that place,

To escape and hide,

Reality is hard for him,

But trust he's safe at my side.

Our life together hasn't been easy,

I'll admit that to be true.

We've both caused damage,

The worst coming from you.

Just so you know,

All the lies that you tell,

Keep him in the fantasy world,

Are like falling down a well.

You say what he wants hear,

Not believing it from me.

Once again...

An escape from reality.

You made him fall hard,

With your deception and lies,

Sneaking behind his back?

The proof will be a surprise...

I'm waiting for the day,

You're seen for what you really are,

The one who manipulated...

Caused the emotional scar.

He is strength beyond strength,

The strongest man that I know.

He's stronger than he realizes,

And I'll never let him go.

Don't think you did that...

Poured him strength from your cup.

Think again, slutface.

You told him to "man up."

You'll never be strong enough,

Your lies have him played.

I've seen his absolute worst.

And you know what? I stayed.

I love him for who he truly is.

There's only one thing I'd change.

His false image of you,

The man you want to rearrange.

You want him to fit YOUR image,

One you think he should be.

He's already so much more,

In my eyes, he's made perfectly.

So, once again you're the secret.

The total fucking lie.

You'll remain hidden away,

As reality passes you by...

You are a toy on the shelf,

Brought down to play.

And when he's done,

You'll be put back away.

So, sit by the phone my dear...

Wait for that call...

Nothing said will be real.

Nothing at all.

Reality will knock,

And say time to come home.

Playtime is over,

And you're left alone...

sad poetry

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