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A Poem About White

By Frankie KnightPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

Literally, figuratively, and physicallyWhite is as much a feelingas it is a physicalityLiterally it is white, bare, blankFiguratively it carries joy, and also instabilityIt is both wonder and nothingnessPhysically it is absence. Absence of color, of melanin, of blood

White as a ghostit is said and feltWhite feelsIt feels like a soft humNot unpleasant, but the kind of hum that is always present in the absence of sound, as if inside a heavy blanket, cotton wool inside your ears

White is a conceptA concept of the presence of nothingIt is a background, an inversionWhite is a celebrationA white christmasA white weddingJoyful, a blessing, a show of purity and innocenseWhite is magic, and white creates magic

White is spiritual, and sign of the uniqueA white tiger, A white mooseAbsence of melanin, absence of color, absence of the normal

Absenceis what you feel, wrapped in whiteor surrounded by whiteand as I stand stilland gaze into the whitefeeling it, Literally blinding me as I stare into it, Figuratively thick, dense, wrapping around me as though wads of wool and cotton have combined, and have sprinkled and sewn themselves around the earthPhysically light, bright, making my nose run and my fingers freeze

And when you're homesurrounded by itexperiencing the luxuries of the absence, of the whitedo you not wonderwhy we do not treat all absences this waythe absence of generic beauty the absence of so called humilitythe absence of a loverhow is it that absence can be so beautifuland reveled, humbling, extraordinary, and uniquein the colour whitebut in every other circumstance it is haunting, hated, discouragedAbsence is whiteand absence is also abnormalities, differences, uniqueness, pride, and feminismabsence is the lack of the normalso why not embrace absenceand celebrate itlike we celebrate white?


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