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When Your Heart Speaks

A poem for all of those who have been hurt, and encouragement to take back your own power, and to value your self worth.

By lealia.DPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
My heart spoke to me today and I listened . And this is what it said to me, and to everyone who has been betrayed, hurt, and crushed in life... stay strong and be encouraged. People can only hurt you if we let them. It’s all about taking back your own power, and once you have you won’t regret it. Stop leaking to people who never deserved you. Know your worth. You are worthy of Love and so much more 💗 

Through the sorrow and the pain

They tried to take your smile away

They borrowed your time but gave nothing back

The years, the tears, the cold heartedness

Stopped them in their tracks.

They may as well have burnt you at the stake

But your soul was not theirs to take

You fought back your soul to keep

Your smiles, your laughter and your happily ever after

Has made them weak.

Their indignity towards you and lack of just

Has made your trust in them turn to dust

With the hurt, the loyalty and betrayal now gone

You’re not the one that did them wrong

You can move forward with ever loving ease

Cause you have no one else to please.

You can hold your head up high

Without having to cry and try

With no one there to hold you back

From all the love you felt you lacked

Your heart has now been set free

And you can now just be

Happy in the knowledge of who you are

Courageous and brave

You embrace your days with love in your heart

There’s no room for looking back

Your life starts now... here’s where it’s at.

They will see in time that you were right

And you will be glad that you gave up their fight

You should have known right from the start

That only those who deserve it

Win a place in your heart.

And for all the pain and suffering you endured

You came face to face with all your flaws

You’ve grown in strength and courage too

No one can make a fool of you.

Your wisdom is beyond your years

So you can wipe away those tears

Cause where you're going no one can trace

Or take away the smile from your face.

Never again shall you be at the mercy of another

And hated by your fellow brother

With all your good intentions and heart so pure

You don’t have to try so very hard anymore.

And what’s in store for you God only knows

A place full of love and wonder where goodness flows

Where you don’t have to take their knocks from their blows

So stand up and take a bow

Because it is you who is running the show now.

With all the hurt firmly back in the past

It’s your future now you can lovingly grasp

Fill in the gaps, the cracks and straighten the folds

It is you who is going to be big, brave and bold

So don't let no man then put you under

Or they will see your thunder.

You're now filled with a spirit so strong

That no one else can do you wrong

It took so long for you to get here

And now the heavens are full of cheer.

You're an angel so don’t ever be misguided

By the lies, the judgments and their despises

You're special and that will always be true

They thought they could take that away from you

But to this day you held on strong

And paved the way for me to sing a new song

and finally be somewhere where you belong.

I’m proud of you

Your loving Heart 💓

By Lealia D

Photograph by Lealia D copy right

I hope this poem has encouraged those that need it and enjoyed by many. Thank you for reading it x

love poems

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