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A Poem

By shiney poetryPublished 5 years ago 1 min read

They say time heals all wounds, but how can that be true when time is the one that breaks you, how can that be true when I still hold on to the people we used to be before all those mean words took you and me, you used me, I guess you got used to me, sisters we could hardly be, but I wish I knew then friends is what we'll never be.

But what hurts most about time is it will never erase the memories and the words unsaid that I wear like a crown on top of my head, that I lie in bed thinking about when I should be sleeping instead.

But what gets in my head and gets me the most is that they say the person you need the most will always be there for you so where were you when I needed you? Where were you when I cried for you? But you wanted me to change and that's OK because I need myself more than I ever needed you.

I need myself to know that I am enough, that this is enough. I need myself to know that I can and will make it through this, I'll make it through this heartbreak, I'll make it through this pain, I'll make it through this hurt and it won't be in vein.

I need myself to know that this life is meant to break me, but God is here to make me, I need myself to know that I am here for me, and no one can take that away from me

It just takes time they say for you to be OK, but I don't know about that because time is a bitch and we all know that, but I live in God's timing, I'll find my track so I'll do me and you do you and one day in time we will both see the truth.

Because that's the thing about time, it holds the truth that no one can see, not even you and not even me.



About the Creator

shiney poetry

Hey guys I'm Cheyenne and I'm a inspiring writer and photographer. Between the Chaos and the peace is where you'll find me. can follow me on Instagram: @shiney.poetry

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