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Thoughtful Poems

Thorne Belladonna

By Thorne BelladonnaPublished 5 years ago 2 min read
Not My Photography, Just an Image off Google

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Pay Day

I walk along the road on a day so drearywith but one, simple queryIt's my check, you see, tis all I needto sate this void of greedso please do me this favorfor to help my heart quaverso I might end my queryand return to the road on a day so dreary


Gardens are so beautifulColors and scents so bountifulSome are roses, some are pansiesSome daisies, and some poppies

Some are new, some are oldSome bright, and some dulledThe all have the same goalto eat, breathe, and to pay their toll

We could learn a thing or two from flowersand stop fighting and wasting the hoursJust sit back and love the sunshinejust stop and unwindWe need not scream and hollerjust drink and sit so much taller

Gardens are so beautifulColors and scents so bountifulNo two flowers are the sameAnd none of them search for fame

The Journey

To begin I walked along a paved roadFlat, east, and with nothing owed

Then the path grew broken and wornAnd cuts and calluses my feet adorn

Each step, every mileFeels as though I'm marching single fileOn a ruddy road with broken peopleMake their way towards becoming old and feeble

Until finally I stray from the pathand at last I do the mathCease your march and stop for a whileThe world can wait for you to take your mile

Roses so sweet and prettyNeed not run towards a fate so grittyBut I am no roseAnd again my story goesalong an awful, terrible roadUntil six feet under is my abode

Trust Is a Fragile Thing

Trust is a bond like silken threadYou cannot cut it or else it will be deadEven if you have a wall of trust made from glassA hammer or even a fist will shatter it real fast

Do not despair for all things worth having need a little careYour flimsy build is not unjust or unfairA shattered wall can always be rebuiltIf you are unhindered by guilt

But rebuilding is so much harder than polishingI swear this I'm not embellishingFor a net of silken thread needs to be made anewIf a hole is cut straight from you

Too Long

My broken bones lieBeneath your solid bootA silent teardrop IAm cut at the root

A hurled stoneArchaic fearsSlice me to the boneAnd bring me to tears

Sew their lips shutWith a needle made from bloodTo them their freedom is cutThey won't hear my body thud

Candles circled aroundSilent tears fallTo hit the spot on the groundWhere they lay us all

The needle stitchesTheir lips too lateToo much blood richesWere spilled on this fate


About the Creator

Thorne Belladonna

Hello. I'm transgender MtF and I've loved writing since I was in middle school. I mostly write about depression, but sometimes a piece about transition will sneak into my work.

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