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A Poem

By Marquan NesbittPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

It's the pain that no one sees,

the tears they say are not real

the love you never feel.

it's the hate you see when you look in the mirror

the words you force out so they will remember

the act you put on for all to see, but no one sees what’s going on beneath.

it's the smile you force so they don't ask what’s wrong

the hugs you give to keep this act carrying on

the laughs you fake for goodness sake. How long will you carry on the charade?

because they don't see the scars of lonely nights, misuses, and abuses

they don't feel the poison sating your throat, forcing you into intoxicated state where you forget you mind, your pain, everything that makes you sane.

they don't see the tears you shed when you come home and lock the door,

or the cuts on your wrist, they don't hear the voices in your head telling you to quit living, no they don't feel the knives on a thousands hands stabbing them in the back.

they only see what you show them, only hear what you tell them and never see the monster under the mask

it's the pain that no one sees

the tears they say are not real

the act you put on for all to see.


sad poetry

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