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The Pleasure of Motion


By Asha BoothPublished 5 years ago 2 min read

From the moment we are born

Kicking and screaming

We move.

In one way or another

We are expected to move.

Pushed through school

Feet barley pausing to hit the ground

And life only seems to get busier,

Over crowded,

Constantly moving,


People asking where you have come from

Where you’re going.

We race around on trains



Keeping our heads down

And you stand on the platform edge

In the distance the whirl of the tube in the tunnel

Waiting to break onto the platform

Spill its guts and gorge on more

But maybe

Just for today

Rather than getting that train into work

Get the train to the coast

Look out the window

No music

No phone

And watch the world in fast forward through that scratch window,

Then stand at the edge of the sea and let it wash over you

Prick every nerve ending

Because, in a moment of pure beauty,

You can see where the edge of the sky

Kisses the tips of the waves

To create an endless world that falls between the two

And you sit and pray that you are the first to walk out and find it.



Match your breathe with the ocean

Imagine your a paper boat caught in the waves


Let the boat slowly rise


Let the boat slowly fall


Lock into your breathe

For the first time in weeks think about how it feels for the air to travel through your nose and down the back of your throat and how it feels to fill up your lungs

Let it brush past every nostrel hair

Let it chill the back of your throat

And think about how it feels to be full of something that gives you life.

Let it cool your insides and relax you

It’s not a chore

It’s a pleasure to inhale life

And the exhale it.

surreal poetry

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