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The Person in the Moon

My Thoughts Through My Mind

By Alyssa cooperPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

Dear person I see in the moon,

I watch you as I lie down to go to bed at night. You are the person I stay dreaming about and the one that stays in my head throughout everyday as I live. You are someone that I will and can never forget about. You helped me through such a hard time in life, and I cannot thank you enough for that. Don't ever think that you are alone, because I am always and forever near, as long as I live. I know that you have troubles of your own, and you think that you are just some piece of trash. You are so much more than some piece of trash, you are beautiful. I felt so complete when you were around and apart of my life. I remember that last kiss you gave me before you headed for the airport. I will never be able to forget that. You will forever remain in the moon as I lay back to sleep.




About the Creator

Alyssa cooper

Thoughts through my mind.

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