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The Journey from Within

The Journey...

By Kyah DavinaPublished 5 years ago 2 min read

The Journey...

How long will this feeling last?

The feeling of emotions rushing left and right but you simply not understanding why at the time.. this will eventually lead to an answer.

Not the answers you might think, but the answers from within..

The voice we hear when we know something isn't right but we keep going anyway, that insomnia every night and not even feeling the consequence the next morning.

What is my calling?

Is it to feel so deeply, I shall have the ability to overstand the minds, hearts, and emotion of others.

To feel what they are feeling.. to know and realise within this storm, there will be a brighter day.

It may not feel as though things will be okay, when there's sleepless nights, tears we cry, a thousand times, where is the time?

I only feel mine.. is this reality? or am I caught in a recurring nightmare that I feel I am not sure I will get out of..

"I don't like this... I can't... why me... what did I do to deserve this?" A subtle voice responds and says.

"Oh, my dear darling... you are not being punished, for this journey you are traveling is simply for your own highest good. You are being taught a lesson and I promise it will be worth it all in the end and you WILL return to your pure, happy and optimistic self. You will gain your peace of mind, only if you are willing to let go... trust in the process and ALLOW oneself to accept and feel these emotions you are experiencing. The experience you might not be so fond of right now. The storm will pass.. "

That moment... She began to worry less and began to do more from within. Self love began to occur naturally realising for the first time how important self love, growth, and inner healing is.

Nice to meet you... I am your home and I acknowledge you being here...

Why are you here though?

"You have many emotions from within that are in need of comfort, love and acceptance. in order for there to be happiness, peace of mind and growth. Acceptance and inner healing is accentual to this journey. But, remember this is a process and there is no rush. Everything is happening exactly how and when it should... and you shall come out much stronger and wiser. You will be okay."

The moon had this unique light to it that night, nothing I had ever felt or seen quite before...

I was beginning this beautiful journey... right here. right now. I was in control of my mind and my thoughts and within those moment of silence...

I felt free...


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