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The Journey

Within the Journey of Life

By Kyah DavinaPublished 5 years ago 1 min read
When you are feeling like this journey will never end, remember every cycle has to end for a new one to begin...

What is the journey?

The Journey of life... of love... of pain. which way?

I was feeling okay,

until all these emotions became of me.

Where did all these emotions stem from I though...

Was it the encounter I had this week or the experience I have had so frequently...

I mean, there has been these little voices and gut feelings I have received,

for whenever my mind was spinning continuously.

I then said to myself, "Wait... was that not the answer I need?"

I was asking the universe to bring a sign to me...

This journey of me...

This journey inside of me, these emotional rollercoasters that lead me to feel drained.

To feel like I can not go on...

Until, that little voice tells me, "Everything is going to be okay..."

You call this intuition did you say?

Yes, your intuition will lead the way...

Just be sure to listen on your good and bad days...

This journey we are on is to let go of fear and be open to love...

Let go of expectations and be open to the unexpected...

But, what if I don't make it she said...

Oh, but darling you will. As long as you believe in yourself nothing else matters.

As long as you never give up on YOU, you will make it through...

Through what exactly?

Through this journey of the lessons of life.

The lessons in which our souls need to learn...

Every encounter, every being that crosses your road.

Every emotion you feel from within is here to teach you a lesson.

A lesson of love for self, a lesson for letting go of attachment.

Every lesson, every frame of pain you will or have experienced.

Is like a stepping stone to your highest self.

To love...

Will this journey make me stronger she asked?


Stronger than you have ever been within.

As long as you trust yourself, your intuition and your ability to rise again.

To come out of a cycle and into a new one with strength.

You will make it through,

this journey of life, this journey is lessons.

Your soul will always know what to do.

Silence the mind and the rest will follow...

This journey you are on will prepare you for tomorrow.

Be present in the now.. and replace worry with belief in oneself and your power.

Peace always...



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