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The Clever Snake

Storybook Teatime

By Johanna StockallPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

A great feeling of joy filled the town, as people came out of their houses, as we all gathered around.

I recall the rustle in the bushes as the green leaves flew; up into the air the wind took them; as it blew blew blew!

At first, I admit I thought he was a choo-choo train. Not alone a living thing. Proceeding closer, through the crowd. People clapped their hands and danced to the merry melody. The gigantic snake began to sing.

He sang with a smoking pipe as he was balancing his monocle, strong, loud and proud. He looked at everyone refraining the words to his chorus.

"Everyone aboard! Everyone's allowed!"

People climbed aboard him with a ladder. He stopped for us to climb up high. Way-way up on the top of his back; it was a long way down to the ground. He had an astoundingly strong and long-long-long back. My heart raced with terror to realize that we were up as far as the clouds in the sky.

We were extremely, incredibly, tremendously, laughingly, but most of all frighteningly high.

Soon his skin began to slither. We began to bounce up and down. As we road the waves from his wrinkles, we were suddenly moving too fast to possibly fall down. Plus, a green ooze began to release from his pores; ruining all of our skirts, jeans, cargos, and pants.

It stuck us to him like super glue. Down-down beneath the serpent's belly, from the ground, the houses appeared to be small as ants. He continued on singing his tune as we slowed down-down-down until he completely stopped. We had reached a new town where people were waiting. From about a mile ahead of me, I could see his enormous head drop, then it flew through the sky. Oh me, oh my. Left then right, down and then up.

He motioned his head in a dance. We were really-really stuck.

Over hills, peaks, and valleys, along the outskirts, we flew!

Soon after making three stops, we were singing it too.

With all of our hearts, loud and proud. Everyone aboard! Everyone's allowed. Soon we stopped for a new crowd who jumped down from their ladders mournfully after handing us the news.

In the paper, it read. "Giantest snake that this planet ever knew!" Eight hours passed and still slithering out from the ocean, carrying innocent people on his back. Singing for his supper. Many will never see their loved ones again. We simply cannot get them back.

A sheer and explicit horror vibrated throughout our spines. His skin began to release a skunky vapor as thousands of us raced up, down and over the land.

We were going faster than ever. People were screaming and vomiting, losing their minds.

As the land turned to only sand. In a flash, we all forgot about the reason for this unconventional fear. The sounds of a Bungi or snake flute began to echo louder and louder as we and the sound drew more near.

The flute became deafening as the sky became all at once black. A slithering voice hissed with hunger as he shook us all off of his back. I recall the terror as my body hit the sand.

The snake then finished his song so grand.

Everyone aboard! Everyone's allowed! That's right, allowed to run from me now and find your own way home. With a sadistic, evil, ravenous tone.

In more than one way, for many that cold desert night. The End.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Johanna Stockall

From the Canadian Maritimes. I write a lot.

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