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The Black King

We must value our men.

By Soul SistahPublished 6 years ago 1 min read
Respect our kings! 

A warrior in his own right, some would deem him a knight.

But to me, he is a king, a Black king, although sometimes he is misunderstood

he does what he can and still remains a good man.

Society often has its foot on his neck, constantly targeting him with so

much disrespect and disregard, but still like the king he is, he plays his


Often imitated but never duplicated because he is the original African god,

strong, loving and beautiful with a deep spirited mind, powerful beyond measures and might I add he takes pride in loving his queen while showering her with knowledge and pure pleasure.

His words still echo in my mind, "you are my queen and together we can get through anything."

He feels my pain and soothes it with his touch, his kiss is like magic when

our lips lock, I feel my heart stop and my body tingle with senses I never knew I had.

Some would call him a statistic and say it's unrealistic that a man like him exist,

but sister let me tell you this, I prayed for this man. I even made a

list of everything I desired and to me, he was sent.

I admire his strength, confidence and the sacrifices he makes to protect his own,

how he is so driven and takes care of his home. A man that is God

fearing, and not afraid to show his emotions he isn't afraid to love because that is one of his many gifts he was sent here to give.

I love this man, for he is the reason I truly value and adore our Black men.

So many have tried to count him out, but never will I ever leave him to feel

as if he has to face this world alone, because as long as he has his queen as he

told me before we can get through anything.

Respect to our Black Kings!

love poems

About the Creator

Soul Sistah

Content creator and writer.

Welcome to my world, come inside and let my poetic vibes soothe your soul, while my words echo in your mind and leave you wanting more.

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