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The Bird with the Broken Wing

a poetic inspiration

By L. Allen DavisPublished 4 years ago 2 min read
"words create worlds" -anonymous author

The Bird with the Broken Wing:

The bird grasped my attention, even though I was in deep thought about life. While being mesmerizied by visions of the known & unknown, I saw a bird land on some rocks. After tossing specific feathers, the bird stood tall and prepared for flight.

"I see plenty of birds, ones that look like this bird and ones that are different. Birds that are more

beautiful, and others that aren't so pretty. Seeing this bird, sparked a thought that guided me

through the troubles of the world. I often end up at another berry of enlightening vibrations."

-L. Allen Davis

A bird walked pass my front door as I was peering out. Even being in gaze by the possibilities of the future, I saw a bird. In passing, I noticed this bird's wing is broken! I saw a bird land on a rock recently, could that have been the bird with the broken wing?

I saw this bird continue to eat, move, and adapt to his new element. Brave bird- crossed the street cautiously to explore any feeding grounds. After so many serendipitous rendezvous with this bird, I began to wonder, how is this bird still surviving?

Going day after day without use of your most natrual ability to fly! It made me consider what I would do if I lost my most important/natural ability? The ability that assists me in all aspects of my existence. How is this bird still alive? I see Sylvesters looking for tweetys all the time in my neighborhood. Cats roam yards in search of a fun toy to devour, how is this bird still alive!? Lol.

"Day and night, all the other birds take flight, but this one is grounded. Lost something that altered it's life,

but made use of what it founded. I see it's will to survive and that inspires me, I

wonder if I'm touched by life in it's entirety. My eyes behold beauty in every variety, even in an ugly

society. I wonder if the broken wing stops this bird from returning home to a family? Poor bird,

may the Universe be with you."

-L. Allen Davis

I am learning from the journey of a bird's misfortune. I feel sadness about this bird's troubles, but I am impressed by the will power of earth's animals. Do I have this level of faith?

I could make use of that much determination. Frequently I saw the bird exert commendable strength. Even saw It get airborne to elude a dog. It provided me with a little hope that the bird

will return to the sky after all.

The bird with the broken wing taught me a lot during our few days of observing each other. I had the chance to see how all of earth's creatures have impressive levels of survival skills. Taught me that, even when a part of you is taken away, you can be an inspiration to someone, or anyonearound you, if you fight to survive. I really hope the bird with the broken wing made it home.

Created by L. Allen Davis


About the Creator

L. Allen Davis

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