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The Angel's Chronicles

The Signet of Perfection, Full of Wisdom and Perfect in Beauty

By Sarah LovernPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

i met an Angel in a treehouse once

Her wings were black, Her feathers

ripped like a pigeon popped into a blender

latticework on Her porcelain skin

spelled out Her wings, Her heart, Herself—


She had knocked off Her halo, but gold

still ran through Her veins

it made Her glow even in Her darkness

She reminded me of a diamond,

cracked but impossible

to shatter

i talked with Her for a little while, questioning why

i should be so special to witness Her holy existence

but then i realized

this earthly existence was more a curse than a blessing

in the Angel’s eyes

She didn’t belong in a place

where She couldn’t float

with the stars She was born from

She told me how Her god

had betrayed Her, left Her for hopeless

he’d found another angel

that could fly higher than She

and so he cast Her out of heaven without

a second merciful thought

and by chance

She landed in the treehouse with me

as we sat there, She sucked in nicotine

like vampires suck in warm blood

She inhaled poison to exhale loneliness

and try to forget that She

was trapped in this godforsaken place

meant only for mortals

and not for angels like Her

Her god had destroyed Her wings

with his cruel love

knowing that She had no desire

to live on earth

suddenly i didn’t blame Her

for despising religion

worshipping Her god so faithfully

was what landed Her

on Her ass in a treehouse

surreal poetry

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