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Burn until you become it.

By Z IPublished 6 years ago 1 min read
Photograph of the Hyades Cluster

Some people say stars are made from tornadoes

and some say from fire.

Either way its a storm that we can't escape but can control.

We can determine if we let it spin us around or

stop it and decide the direction it goes.

I know,

its easier said than done.

But seriously,

You can.

I didn't say its gonna be easy.

It will be hell,

even worse than the fuel that keeps the tornado going.

The conflagration will start from

your home, the heart.

And go on from there.

But its not impossible.

When you try and escape the blaze,

it will burn you.

That doesn't mean you are gonna stand still

and suffer in silence.

Stand in the middle of it,

adamant and indestructible.

Unwavering to the flames.

But instead let it be your fuel,

let it take you high

to where you see the sun.

Be the high-rise of the best,

because you already are.

Cease it and wear that crown of hot gas.

Now you just have to determine your dazzle.

Join the rest of the survivors

and light the way for the dark sea of the ones still struggling.


About the Creator


LoGiC wIlL gEt yOu fRoM A to B. ImAgInAtIon wIlLtAkE yOu eVeRyWhErE - AlBeRt EiNsTeIn.

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