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Sounds of Humanity

Random Collection of Poems

By Katharin CrewsonPublished 6 years ago 4 min read

Just a few random poems for no reason. Enjoy!


The meaning is never clear;

Who are we?

Why are we here?

To have faith (or none at all),

Something to lift your spirits,

Whenever they fall.

Short is this word "Life",

The lettering and

The time we strife.

On this earth,

Short time it comes,

Upon us quicker than it seems,

Check the sums,

Short time, indeed.

So why is it,

That we choose the bad,

The evil, the negitive,

The inevitably sad?

Mistreat the body,

Dull the brain,

Silence the soul?

What have we got to gain?

Yet some choose good,

The not sad, forever,

Together, always glad

See the good in the world,

The blessed, the beau,

The kindness, selflessness,

The expression of soul.

The giver, the just,

Intelligent, kind

Some may seek but will never find

The meaning of 'life',

An odd little word,

To be chained as a slave,

Or be free as a bird?

Influence this,

Influence that,

Yet all they did,

Was ponder and sat.

Do nothing at all,

Leave the world as it is,

But when you are gone,

Who will remember you exist?

Or change the world,

Leave a great mark,

Over the hill, across the park.

People will remember you for all of time,

Now is the chance,

Stand up and shine!

But for the good of the world, not the bad,

A miserable, short life,

Cannot be all sad...

Leave as a great hero!

The savior of all!

Your portrait hung in every hall.

Celebrations, and songs sung about you,

All that you were,

All that you ever did do.

Or perhaps,

You'd rather sit,

In a chair, and steadily knit.

A sweater,

That will be destroyed with time

Living in the middle of nowhere,

Never to be seen, never to shine.

Always bathed in shadow,

With nothing to share,

But of course, surely you have one

Second to spare?

So live your life as you see fit,

In your actions, in your stance,

For we all know, you and I,

That on this earth,

We get only one chance...


Like a bad seed,

Sprouted within the

Core of a person.

Spreads outward with

Gnarled roots,

Entangling, emulating to

Every part of the body.

But when in contact

With the mind,

Causes a shift in reality.

The pulse beats faster,

Breathing ceases.

It is as if the tree would


The life,

The love,

The comfort,

From their very grasp,

Of the world.

They float in a distant world,

Controlled by fear.

By a ruler most foul,

By a wave of black,

That casts its shadow,

Over the eyes of the

Holder of the seed.

All seems lost.

Too terrified to scream,

Too shocked to move.

Pulled from the verge of insanity,

By an invisible thread,

So thin,

It could snap at any moment.

The breathing continues,

Life goes on,

Until the next time the

Sower plants the seed

Of evil.

The next time they

Let their guard down,

Only to be cosumed

By the beast within.


What I want from you,

Is to feel loved,

Even when I am blue.

To be together

Just because I miss you.

To hold me close

When I feel small.

Protect me,

Love me passionately,

Even when I may fall.

Believe in me,

When I doubt myself,

Reach for things I cannot see

on the highest shelf.

Love me forever,

Love me true,

Although you are now lost,

At this point I knew.

Remember this;

I'll always and forever love you.


When you emerse yourself,

In a good book you find,

Eyes slowly score the soft,

Page filled with words,

That your mind paints a picture,

Plays a video of what is happening,

While your hands can almost feel what,

Happens in your story.

The action, terror, mystery,

Adventure all summed up,

In the blinck of an eye that castes,

A glance at the knowledge.

Perspective of the author's brilliance,

Or communication of ideas,

Sewn into the paper,

Bound to the cover and destiny,

To find it in your curious hands.

The motivation of starvation,

of knowledge propels you to,

Take the time,

Nessesary it is,

To complete the book.

And to never be satisfied,

Always looking for more to read,

To believe in, to revolve,

In the very world around.

The knowledge only as you percieve it.


About the Creator

Katharin Crewson

I love writing poetry and sitting outside and just watching the world. Also, I'm obsessed with cats. :)

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