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Eyes Wide Open

By Domenica CurroPublished 5 years ago 1 min read

I feel raw

like a baby new born

eyes wide open

my thoughts reach far

and go

back and forth

as elastic strings

they click back

closer and closer

to my awakening soul

I am sure, I know

I am not a wrong girl

I am just living in a world

where I can get lost

tangled in thoughts

I don't have control of

I was lost

then a new wind has blown

and shed old leaves

all in one go

in a forest of sorrow,

fear and missed love

The sun was warm

drying them out

I could not look up

that was too strong

my head was down

crawling in the ground

now I can stand fierce

against all the threats

the need to pretend

and the voice saying

you just can't

I feel no shame,

I finally walk straight

and follow my path

old shades crack

under my new steps

and they sink down

nourishing myself

I feel awake,

my brain is scattered

like coming out of a cage

I locked myself in

for a false blame

I feel free now,

I feel to knee down

and stare at that powerful sun

because I am brave enough

to believe that I deserve

all that I aspire for

and I will get what I want

because I give what own


About the Creator

Domenica Curro

"every action creates an equal and opposing reaction, that is the basic law of the universe"

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