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Never Alone

When you feel alone, that's the time when you are accompanied.

By Ordinary GirlPublished 5 years ago 1 min read

Darkness has always been my best friend, always with me and within me through thick and thin, which is why I am not afraid of darkness. Under my eyes, the dark circles were always there, never left me no matter what the deal is. Cried, laughed, slept or stayed awake, everything was with darkness, was never alone. Maybe sometimes I must have felt alone but I always knew that I wasn't alone no matter what. Every night that I have spent awake and crying was spent with the darkness not alone. The moment when we start thinking in life that we are, that's the very moment when we realize what exactly we have with us, ourselves or something even more than that. It's not weird to find yourself in a situation where nobody is around, no matter how much people you know in your life, what matters is that whether you know yourself or not because that's one big lesson everybody needs to learn and remember throughout their lives. Some nights you will find yourself sinking deep into your bed of thoughts but that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to drown as well.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Ordinary Girl

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