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My Lady, My Maniac

Mia signora, la mia mania.

By Harydo NeonPublished 7 years ago 2 min read

What exactly does this mean "i love you..."

Is it a statement or a feeling?

Depends on the reference of whom it is addressed

Or so i had thought...

Along came you crazy as a clown yet humble as a dove

Playful as a newborn and yet frustrating as a pest

But you were my pest, the only pest i loved tolerating

It's obvious, you're one in a million

Loving you wiped my ugly past and reshaped my future

You were a gift from God himself

What would my world have been without you

Probably an empty yet dry and desolate wasteland

Remember when we stargazed together

Right under the full moon so bright

You didn't care about if i couldn't buy u fancy things

As long as am always there to blow you a good night kiss

You made me have the opportunity to express myself

With you, i couldn't hide any secret in my closet

Your smile made me so happy

You still stood by me even when I was sloppy

You made me, King of Hearts and you, My Queen of Spades

You taught me that skin colour is nothing but shades

I really wish you were here so we could play like kids

You were the only Chess player i couldn't beat

Cause U sent me to the "distraction zone" with a simple kiss

Remember when we played "hide and seek" at my house?

You hid in the closet wearing just pants and a blouse

You are the craziest person i have ever met

Have met lots of crazy people but none is up to your level yet

Can't forget when we played CIA on the Xbox you got me

It was a flawless victory in which i lost

Damn, definitely no girl can be like you...EVER

Because while other want expensive shits

All u wanted was for both of us to tour the world, especially Paris

Always pushing me to be better, stronger, faster

Our love, though still young, grew to become better

I have lots of female friends but you still didn't care

Because you knew where my heart belonged

That was all that counted

When pissed off, you always talk to me, open and honestly

I would apologize and we move on like nothing happened

Our love continued, along came disputes

But in all, you apologized first, just to prevent unwanted outputs

And then you were gone, all happened lightning fast

Even for me to grab it

I still think of you, today, tomorrow, next year

Even when i am alone and lonely, you are always there

You are my secret, True love existed with you, LEAH

love poems

About the Creator

Harydo Neon

I drain my thoughts through my pen. That's the only way I breathe.

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