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Moving On


By Lady SundayPublished 5 years ago 1 min read
Fibonacci Spiral of a Seashell

I breathe in deeply, my eyes closed. You aren't the air. The warmth of the Sun washes over me from head to toe. It gives me waves of almost painful ecstasy.

Clouds pass over the Sun, cooling the ocean breeze. My knees sway as I hide my bare feet deeper, under the hot golden sand.

I wait for the shadows to pass and I am thankful for the Sun. If only you could be the Sun. Deep in my heart, where only I can see or hear, you are.

Shade passes and the heat is beating down, warming my out-stretched body once again. Though my eyes are closed, from behind my lids I see a glow of what I wish was you.

My mind is made up now. I open my eyes and sit up. My vision adjusts to the change of colors before me. I gaze across an infinity of horizon. How typical of nature I think love is!

While I walk away, I carry a warmth deep inside. I know I can survive you.

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About the Creator

Lady Sunday

I'm a self-publishing author of fiction and I love to research and write creative non-fiction.

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