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Mother Nature

All about her

By Harydo NeonPublished 7 years ago 2 min read

Mother nature, the greatest gift bestowed on man

We, your children have caused you nothing but sorrow, time after time

Rough-handled all your precious gifts and committed hideous crimes

You blessed us with air, so pure, so soothing

Does such air exist anymore? I'm still searching

We have filled the air with foul substances

Wastes, Chemical and what scientists call antitoxins

The sea, ocean and rivers, you gave us the liberty to use at our disposal

Yet here we are, spilling oil and other materials without collateral

Contaminating the soothing taste of clean water

Even aquatic animals cry over this insane behavioral pattern

The trees and land, you gave like a birthday present

The flowers, the gardens, the desert, all playing vital roles

But what did we do? Searched for oil, yes, oil

Destroying landscapes all in search of oil

Cutting down trees recklessly, leaving behind chunks of wasteland

Spilling the earth with the blood of our fellow man

Are we men or beasts? I can't really tell the difference

Animals, you sprung forth from your bosom

The lion, the falcon, the seahorse, the ray

All as beautiful and peaceful as the stars far away

We have driven them close to the door labeled extinction

The rhino, the cheetah, all have become endangered

Man, when will you appreciate Mother Nature?

When? When will you stop this heartless adventure?

We all act like we own the world to ourselves

But man is just a micro matter to life itself

So when mother nature sends her furious servant, the earthquake

It sweeps the lives of countless people, not minding who it takes

She then sends her ever angry bodyguard, The whirlwind

To punish man and make him pay for all his deeds

The volcano waits patiently to be angered by mortals

And boom, he shoots up his fury and everything becomes history

The hurricane and tsunami, the Spartans in mother nature's army

Would always retaliate on man each time they see mother nature cry

Sweep everything in their path, not minding what is in their path

Houses lifted and lives lost, Bonds broken, No accord

Each life form has a role to play but men don't see it that way

We take anything without considering the consequences

I'll be damned if we even still had a conscience

And when these disasters strike and people die, we blame Deus

For just standing there and watching people get hurt

We were given a choice and the consequences we must pay

Dear mother nature, please look upon your children, those innocent.

For when you send your army to sweep us with plagues

Look at the tears of the innocent and retreat your soldiers away

Man searches for things that are unnecessary

We are the destruction and doom of ourselves, believe it or not

Respect is reciprocal, or so I was taught

Man is the source of man's destruction and downfall

nature poetry

About the Creator

Harydo Neon

I drain my thoughts through my pen. That's the only way I breathe.

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