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Models & the Wolves

A Poem

By Kendall WarnkinPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

Women hiding behind a camera with meticulously plastered makeup and overly-teased hair,

their smiles luminescent and bright, they are masking their insecurities in front of the editors and fashion designers that yell out while inspecting their bodies like a piece of thinly sliced meat,

their slender bodies are lined up in rows, they don't believe there is anything left for them, they disappear.

their only hope is to be on a magazine cover for the world to savor, the women with ordinary jobs, hairy legs, and not-so-perfect skin wonder how it must be like to be them,

the models all pale, withering away from days of not eating, running, and applying think coats of mascara, wonder if they could ever have a lower standard of being pretty,

they want a world were a pretty face is only worth so much, they want intellect, and beauty from within,

the world has only shown the hungry wolves prowling for their prey, looking for the next glimmering model to take the stage and for us to know how they did it,

one day I hope that we will be able to see what women are regardless if they are fit to be a model,

we don't need to hide under the covers of insecurities, we should release those butterflies of hatefulness and understand that wrinkles, fat, and things that are deemed as imperfections can sometimes be the best form of beauty.

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About the Creator

Kendall Warnkin

hello! I’m Kendall and I love to write poetry. I hope you enjoy reading my poems which come from my heart and my mind.

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