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Mirror Image

The Man in the Mirror

By Harydo NeonPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

Break a mirror, look at yourself through it

You see someone who you know you are not

You reflect on who you are

Reflect on what you have achieved

Reflect on what you hope to achieve

Reflect on what you failed to achieve

But your world is in deep turmoil

A confused mind, a rubix cube, a beautiful mess

Go out in blue, paint your face with colours

Hello, am Mr. clown, got some jokes up my sleeves

Goes back home, wear the black outfit

Sits and thinks of the past mistakes

You want to cry but you can't

The tears are near but you can't

For some reason tears represent weakness

Nobody really understands your world

I'll be damned if you even understood it yourself

You hear the lightening, a thunder storm comes your way

You run down, to receive the first drops of rain

It continues to pour and pour,

Tears come out, heart bursts, brain waves off the chart

You look to heaven and give out a loud scream

Then fall to your knees, all feeling weak to the muscles

Cold sets in, you went out topless

Bag and baggages of wrong decisions

Or good decisions we end up regretting

You seem to hold all but still out of control

You let out another scream and the cloud cries more

Zeus hears it and out of pain unleashes more lightening bolt

But while all these happen, you know the right thing

You got up to your room, looked at the mirror again

You know your new target, to be the man in the mirror

Free from lies and deceit, pretense and doppler gangers

If there is gonna be a you, it should be a YOU

You know what you must do

So you thank the cloud for crying with you

Still shivering, you now have a cold

It's an appointment with a doctor tomorrow, before noon.


About the Creator

Harydo Neon

I drain my thoughts through my pen. That's the only way I breathe.

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