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Once in a Lifetime

By Diana BPublished 6 years ago 1 min read


We hadn't talked in a while, not since everything got so fucked up between us but she's right in front of me now… I know it was all my fault but I don't say it. I know I should apologize or at least try to explain myself to her, but I don’t. How do you apologize for ruining someone so beautiful; how do you explain something not even you understand?

We’re different people now, and I'm glad. She seems happy, or at least at peace with herself, which is a look she never had with me. We hurt each other too much, by holding on to something that never truly excited. I used her for my own evil purpose without caring what it did to her… I just want to hold her in my arms, and smell that soft hair I love so much. How do I apologize for destroying her world, how do I apologize for waiting until she was shattered and gone to fall in love with her…


I loved him, and he's right in front of me… I loved him with all my heart and for a second I allow myself to enjoy all the memories, the talking, the flirting, the first time his lips touched mine, his taste, his smell, the way we moved together. His laugh, his jokes, his music, all the fun times we shared and all the things we tried together for the first time…

Once again, his hands are on me, absorbing my body with his. It’s a blurry bliss with mixed sensations. I think of how the weight of his body felt on mine as his lips stole the little breath I had left, and for a second everything seems okay. But then I'm hit with the hard reality, my life shatters before me… I’m left completely alone and for the first time, I see him for what he really was, a darkness, a darkness filled with nothing but demons and pain, a darkness I'm so god damn happy I could leave behind…

Her: I met someone… and he makes me happy.

Him: He can break your heart… I never did…

Her: He can merely break my heart, nothing compared to you. You broke me.


About the Creator

Diana B

I'm looking to tell my story and help other people!

Feel free to contact me and tell me your stories as well! :)

[email protected]

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