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Midnight Encounter

A Stranger in the Dark

By Loraine Collins "Poetess"Published 6 years ago 2 min read

He beckoned to her in the stillness of the night;

calling to her with his raspy voice

His dark tall frame loomed menacingly

in the dim street light.

Fear grasped her and caused her to hasten her footsteps.

In a moment of sanity, she questioned, "What possessed

her to walk these dark alleys alone?"

His raspy voice continued to call after her, and to her dread, grew even louder.

Her breath voluntarily froze in her chest as she heard his feet hitting the pavement behind her;

he was running to her ...chasing her!

What would he do?

Would he rape her?

Would he rob her?

Would he stab her and leave her for dead?!

The airs on the back of her neck rose as she felt a hand reach out and grabbed her arm...

This was her last night alive and she didn't get to tell her daughter "I love you"

She began to panic; she turned around intent on fighting til all the air in her lungs ceased

and as she turned she reached in her handbag to allocate her box cutter, determined to leave deep wounds on her assailant


her panic was unwarranted

when she fully turned

what she saw was perfect white teeth stretched in a friendly smile against ebony skin

"Hun, I'm sorry I frightened you but you dropped this." He simply said.

When she looked at his outstretched hand

to her surprise

she dropped the only monetary note she was carrying on her ...the Hamilton she retrieved from the bank to pay her phone bill

He was chasing her to return her $100 bill!

(Moral of the story: Not every bump in the dark is meant to scare and harm. Some darkness we face in life serves to enlighten our minds and develop our character.)

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Loraine Collins "Poetess"

I'm that soulful introvert whose best mode of communication is via computer or pen. I've been crafting written works of poetry, short stories, plays, and songs for over 20+ years. What inspires me? Life.


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