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The Day You Became the Monster Under the Bed

By Marissa shookPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

Close your eyes and scream

Scream with every last atom of air in your lungs

Scream 'til your throat burns

Like life depends on it

Scream with hot Tears streaming down your face

Your screams make no sound

The loud world drowns them

The loud, harsh sharp world

Smothers you ripping away everything left

You want to matter

You want it badly

Even With your last strength

You try to change the world at least a little

You have to matter

The day be the change

They say you can help

They say you should help

You need to help but…

But You need help to…

But you need help too

How are you supposed to make a difference when you are drowning in our own thoughts?

How are you supposed to be the change the world needs when the world doesn’t need you?

How are you supposed to show them what you're made of when they can even hear you screaming?

How are you supposed to keep breathing?

How are you supposed to keep your heart beating when it's bleeding?

How are you supposed to keep beating

When you are beaten?

They say if you fall dust your self off and get back up again

But what if the dirt isn’t dust?

What if it’s stains, scars, and grime?

What if you have sold your soul?

What if you have ruined your self?

What if your scream was the last bit of you left?

And now it's gone?

Will you breathe in the new smog and become something else?

Will you become the monster?

Weren’t you always this monster?

Wasn’t that last bit of “you” just the last scrap of your mask?

If they couldn’t hear your screams

They will feel your claws

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Marissa shook

As a college student at lssu in u.p. MI. from wyoming. I am also a huge fan of poetry, music dance, art, and dogs. My father is a brewer and my mother is a business consultant. Me? I'm not good with people.

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