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Love vs. Lust

This is a poem I created about three years ago. It's one of my favorite pieces I've ever written.

By Jon GonzalezPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

Love is the world's biggest misconception

The meaning got twisted when we were given different definitions

Ended up making faulty connections

We just went with the flow

Sat through and nodded during the lessons

What they taught wasn't enough

No one asked the vital questions


What is the difference between love and lust?

What's the difference between being in love and just a crush?

Lust is on a primal level

Love though is like going toe to toe with the devil

To put it simple

Lust is just when you want attention

But love is giving someone your heart and your trust

There is no love without lust

But you can have lust with no love

And in this generation that's all they're ever thinking of

It's like backwards evolution it's all just primal instinct

Why don't we take a step back and actually try to think?

Suppose I did love

Suppose I still love

Some pose; they're in love

Some pose; they have none

Some propose; they have some

Some dread for the love they had once

It's become a nuisance

Because love is not lust

The young are in a rush

To be famous and have the spotlight

But 17 with two kids and pregnant?

That's just not right

We all want something real

But we're too worried about being fake

We hide our flaws and lie about the past so no one knows our mistakes

We all have some trust issues

That I have no doubt

But the real issue I see

Is not trusting someone that wants to show you what love is all about

love poems

About the Creator

Jon Gonzalez

21 years old, full time worker but never stop writing.

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