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Los Angeles' Hoods Burn

A Poem to Los Angeles Leaders

By Jonathan Dekanwida Thunderbird-OlivaresPublished 7 years ago 1 min read

Our youth are up in flames as Huizar takes a break

after being a fake

and settling his sexual harassment case

to a cost to tax payers pockets.

He gets drunk and caught in a funk,

DUI's and trips

to the East Coast to visit his alma matter to boast,

because we paid for that too.

Our youths serve 5-10 months for tagging.

All while our politicians leave the courts laughing.

Krekorian’s neighborhood council constituents don’t know a day in jail,

Because their incomes guarantee them bail.

All while downtown L.A and our hoods’ realities

Are a loop of constant fatalities:

Jesse Romero

Lionel Gibson

Kenney Watkins

Daniel Enrique Perez

Carnell Snell Jr

This city is in flames, the walls drip the blood of youths.

They put price on the heads of our young to be hunted.

Las señoras chase the young bangers, crew members, for tagging on their walls.

The ones they don't even own because market rates played them out.

The other day the land owners told her to move out, because she wasn’t

Bringing him a good payout.

Evictions are when the land owners are now prosecutors, judges of the infinitely concrete language of property, estates, and investments.

Defendemos la parades,

But when we see the kid crying coming from school,

When we hear that s/he/they have bad grades

When we know our generations are depressed

When we hear the shouts of domestic violence,

We stay quiet,

And we buy it

To take the dollar because we've lost sight of what is important.

Because it costs our youth 10 months behind the cold bars of juvi and county to white wash these walls that we don't even own.

Can't you hear the screams?

There is a fire!

Can't you see the blood on the walls?

slam poetry

About the Creator

Jonathan Dekanwida Thunderbird-Olivares

Native-American from the Pechanga Nation raised throughout the U.S brings you poems and writings from the heart of the urban life.

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