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Torn Within

By Ms AbigabaPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

Evenings are by far her best time of personal escape

The other day she was seated on a very comfortable rock watching the sun break away

At the back of her mind was a question that never leaves

What is my idea of a beautiful future?

For a minute there she broke down

Feeling tears down her cheeks

Broke her heart in the most unimaginable way

She looked around and admired the work of art in nature

And asked herself

Am I living right?

As a child and throughout the process of growing up

She has not enjoyed the luxury of having perfect relationships

Intimacy is probably one of her biggest fears

Attachments have left her with one unanswerable question

Am I doing right?

So as the moon peeped through the clouds and the cold ran through her

She walked slowly back home

On her way back, she met a beautiful couple holding hands

She did not just admire them, she was happy for them

They were so young and vibrant

They shared the type of energy she has not been able to have as an individual

And she wondered

Don't I deserve to be happy?

All her life she has been clouded by the anger towards herself for not making things right

She thought she was the problem

That forgot she deserved happiness

That she deserves the good things life has to offer

She actually forgot that besides everything else everyone contributes in my life

There is that spark within her that's waiting to be let out

The person within her that deserves to see the beauty in life


How does she unleash happiness?

Being an introvert has left her in an alarming situation

Specifically to the people closest

The few friends that she has have tried to understand her

But how does the rest of the world view her

What opinions do they have about her

These are the questions she does not care about


How does she see that she makes it through the day

Handling every situation in the right manner

Because at the end of the day, the one thing she cares about is asking herself

Am I happy?

To her, happiness comes in a lot of different ways

The most little things can bring a magnitude of happiness

Big achievements at that

Even when she gets an opportunity to make someone happy, she does not let it pass her by

She genuinely believes happiness is of great influence on individual growth

That's why she posses;

Are you happy?


About the Creator

Ms Abigaba

A brown skin girl with faith, hope and love

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