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In Memory of the Fallen at Sandy Hook

Recapping the Killing of First Graders and Teachers by the Dozens

By Matthew F. Blowers IIIPublished 6 years ago 11 min read
"Bye Bye Mama, see ya after school."

In Memory Of The Fallen At Sandy Hook.

Butchers Among Us...Worst Case Scenario

When that window crashed, confusion flashed

in the eyes of teachers stunned

till true understanding gripped them

as they heard the crack of guns

and I'm sure their first instinctual thought

was to grab their coats and run,

but they bravely stayed,

through the price they'd pay,

to protect their little ones.

Defenseless with just her bare hands

the principal chased him down,

then she lunged at him with no chance to win,

as she faced her final rounds.

Filled with courage that is seldom seen

against madness never cherished,

she tried to buy her teachers time,

and in that selfless act she perished.


I just can't fathom the horror

in those children's eyes that day,

as they watched their teachers gunned down,

then that demon turned their way,

extinguishing their innocence with a unquenched evil lust,

like some monster from beneath their beds,

turning all their dreams to dust.

After six adults lay dying and 20 precious tots lay dead,

he heard many sirens wailing and put a bullet in his head,

if each teachers spirits rising had the capacity to breathe,

I'm sure they saw him tumble and let out huge sighs of relief,

for all the children that he didn't get,

and fellow teachers blood not shed.

Then angels came to cradle all the cherubs who had fallen,

to take them to a place where guns would never come a calling,

And six educators souls all rose,

from life's hardest lessons taught,

while hell's minions dragged one maggot's soul

to the damnation he'd sought.

I just can't fathom the horror in those children's eyes that day,

as they watched their teachers gunned down,

then that demon turned their way,

extinguishing their innocence with an unquenched evil hate

but I know they're all in God's arms,

healed from pain at Heavens gates.

All that's left now is prevention, far too many students die,

while we scratch our heads and argue,

somewhere out there WAITS A GUY!!

with an itch to kill, and a date all planned,

till we once again wail "Why?? "

The solution is quite simple, no more students have to die.....

Take the troops all coming home from war,

who have no jobs and are idle,

pick the best who spent years over there

trained to spot those suicidal.

Arm them with non-lethal weapons

make their new fight something vital,

with each school their base, where they will patrol....

and remove what's homicidal.

Lest again we fathom horror in more children's eyes someday...

as they watch their teachers all gunned down,

and a demon turns their way,

extinguishing their innocence, with an unquenched evil lust,

we don't need gun control, we need patrolling guns

non-lethal heroes we can trust,

turning a madman's schemes to DUST!!!

+ + + + + + + + + + + + +

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In memory of those fallen, and in hopes that we will never forget

and steadfastly CRY OUT!!...."Never Again!

** Authors Notes:

Also base them in the malls

and movie theaters,

and any place where the public gathers.

Will it be inconvenient? your damned right.

but it just might save your life,

or your dearest child's as well.

MFB III Productions

Art~Whimsically Yours Studio

(c)-2012-all rights reserved-

including the right to bear arms

sensibly, locked up and unloaded

with the ammo also locked in a place

only the gun owner knows. PERIOD!

And if your loaded, un-locked up gun is taken

and used used to kill children

you must face the charges of

"Voluntary Child-Slaughter"

and do time in jail

for providing a madman

with his weapon.


Exclamation point.

Then very few will die.

at least it's a start,

before the next

group of precious children

and teachers arefinished forever!

From What Has Past....Leaving Presents, With No Futures.

Presents sadly untouched

this past Christmas morn,

bows and ribbons intact

with the wrappings not torn,

each one bought weeks ago

for a most precious child,

all now left there in sorrow

among families defiled.

20 stockings not emptied

by the chimneys all hang,

as haunting reminders

of the horror that sprang,

into the lives of the fallen

all the students who lie

in tiny white coffins

each one too young to die,

left remnants of a Sandy Hook,

turned into a claw,

that ripped through their school day

and destroyed them all.

Baby dolls all left orphaned

and toy cars left idle,

because classrooms were turned

into acts homicidal....

Moms and Dads left to wallow

staring sadly at stacks

of gifts undelivered

from Santa's huge sack,

How will they ever return

all the love that was packed

into presents unopened

by kids not coming back.

I can't imagine the pain

of a Christmas without

the patter of tiny feet

and each joyous shout,

that echoed so sadly

in the houses left vacant,

by that nightmare before Christmas,

and a monster so blatant,

who gunned down their children

in a volley of rounds

not just once,

but so many wounds,

in their tender flesh found.

Leaving parents with holidays

yet to come post-traumatic,

forever haunted by a demon

with a semi-automatic.

Say a prayer for each parent

asking God to grant peace,

as they face a new year,

filled with pain that won't cease,

as they pack up the gifts

for their children now gone,

placing each one in the attic

with no hopes to move on,

as they wake every morning

to a cold empty dawn.

There's a new cut in Connecticut,

a huge gash that won't heal,

there's a fear... that what was civilized

is no longer real,

there's no poem to describe

how each parent will cope

But we must demand solutions,

from our leaders...some hope,

that our own children never

will face such sheer hate

as a gunman on a rampage,

on some yet unknown date,

leaving us to mime Sandy Hook

after suffering its fate.

write letters,

call your congressmen,

before it's too late,

it's long past the time

such action can't wait.

MFB III Productions--

(c)-2012 Art~Whimsically Yours Studio

On a "Gee, but it's fun to be in Kindergarten day,"

where 6 year old's were learning all kinds of neat things,

and seven year old first graders were learning to add,

they suddenly heard for the first time ever

the sound of glass breaking, which didn't add up

in their locked and supposedly safe enviornment.

Thier eyes might have

widened a bit at the noise,

but there were crayons and

coloring to distract them.

But uncertainty disrupted

all thought processes that day

as evil insidiously crept in elsewhere.

leaving teachers trying not to show alarm

and pacing nervously in front of their charges,

with increased heart beats

and a premonition of fear.

Then began the thunderous

echoes of death,

staccato cracks of pain,

spreading tumultuous panic

in the halls and the classrooms

an absolutely insane sound

in such a haven of learning,

and the teachers suddenly knew,

each of them standing

unarmed in a battlefield,

thus like shepherds they herded

their precious lambs into closets,

they scrambled to lock doors,

and they prayed to a God strangely absent.

Now the children's foreheads

creased with consternation,

and some began to cry.

they could not comprehend

such deafening noise in a place

were they all had to be quiet so often.

The principal

a hero of a magnitude

most of us will never know

tried to stop the madman,

but had only her hands and

her anguished pleas...

her desperate "Please!!"

to defend herself and her staff,

and the children in her care.

She lunged at him regardless,

hoping to detain death,

knowing there was no other alternative,

and he shot her multiple times.

Then that skank demon from hell

went into classrooms

where little ones trembled

and systematically began butchering

innocence and its protectors.

not just in humane single shots,

but in an insane pummeling of bullets

from a high powered rifle.

All that was fresh and new,

in the flesh of these young students

was agonizingly extinguished

cruelly by a mindless madman.

Many children stood frozen

with horror filled eyes

as those around them fell,

because the teacher was dead,

and she could not

tell them what to do.

And so they died too.

Thankfully the wail

of sirens in the distance,

brought out the true cowardice

in this maggot, and he mercifully

shot himself, but only once.

I wish I could have been there....

I would have done him the favor,

but I would have put a bullet

in each inch of his worthless body

starting at his feet and working up

to his psychotic brain.

As he expired,

the spirits of all

of the children

and the teachers rose

from pale, bloodied flesh,

safe from any more hurt,

and they all saw that he had fallen too,

and if teachers spirits can breathe

I am sure there were huge sighs of relief...

for all the children and

fellow workers he didn't get.

Then they were cradled by angels

and taken to a place

where there are no guns,

no evil men, and no pain.

His foul spirit also rose,

amidst the carnage

that would be his

legacy of damnation,

and he was instantly dragged

kicking and screaming

to a hell that would magnify

the pain he wrought on earth

ten trillion times over snd over

again forever.

You see, God gave men free will,

and the options of choice,

to do good or too do bad.

He did not want to enslave us

but sadly such freewill

comes with consequences

If he stepped in

each and every time

there was evil loose among us,

we would all just be puppets

and he the great puppeteer.

Like robots all of us would obey,

and there would be no Connecticut

or any other such carnage

as we have known.

But make no mistake about it,

there is a hell

for those who step beyond

God's limits of free will.

and there is a heaven

for those tiny children

who died far too young.

And God weeps for such

catastrophes among his creations.

Killers and maggots

of this order are not granted

the oblivion of a death

without extreme punishments

they will suffer beyond any imagining

in a place designed for such scum.

Somewhere tonight,

just days before Christmas,

parents sit and wail

in agony over their loss,

there is little comfort

that can be offered,

there is no way to erase

the horrific scenes

that play and replay

over and over again

in their heads and hearts.

Even time cannot heal

such a scar as this.

There is no where safe anymore.

rage has become rampant,

there were six other

shootings this year alone,

over 330 students

have been killed

in the last ten years,

not counting the hundreds of injured,

that's 33 children a year.

Not counting the mall shootings

and the other public shootings that go on.

So where do you send

your child to school

when the killing has escalated.

How do you give your children a normal life,

when even a movie theatre can become a crypt.

Nothing is sacred anymore,

these were "Kindergartners" killed.

There used to be line in the sand

that said you don't hurt

Women and children.

But none of this matters to the 26

who will be lowered into the ground soon.

but it "better start mattering to us."

Because now we are all targets for

any nut case with a gun....or a bomb.

We need to put our very best

problem solvers on this and come up

with solutions to such carnage.

Let's stop worrying about tax rates,

fiscal cliffs and whose in charge,

because right now no one is.

We need to use our very best defenders,

who are coming home from two wars,

Troops who need work,

and have dealt with insane men,

suicidal scum in Iraq and Afghanistan daily.

We need to put them at all entrances

to campuses on checkpoints

for any and all who

enter school property.

plus they can patrol the campuses,

and keep them safe.

They won't stand around

outside the schools

in full body armor

while kids are being killed.

unlike deputies and police

who have in many cases...

waited till the shooting stopped??

These soldiers will instantly

run to the fight

and disable the cause.

long before too many are killed.

but they also will know

who just looks wrong

in the school zones

and nullify them before

they can even start shooting.

This is at least a start.

Sadly any hope

of such salvation

is finished in a place

called Shady Nook.

Are we all going to sit

and wait for it to happen again,

and then moan about how awful it is,

and write blogs that hope gun control

doesn't become more severe.

We can "control" guns

with men who know exactly

how to keep them from killing others.

Because if we don't fix this

some of us might be left crying

and hopeless in the same shoes.

I hope you have a Merry Christmas....

and a happier New Year.

But say a prayer tonight and

every night tong past Christmas

for those who had one less child

for Santa to bless this last Christmas MOURN.

MFB III- Productions(c)-2012-Art~Whimsically Yours Studio


About the Creator

Matthew F. Blowers III

About Me :

White House Artist, Actor, Sculptor, Teacher, Singer, Songwriter and Poet with over 850 songs , over 2 and a half million hits and 4,000 poems so far.

I do voiceovers for T.V. and radio commercials and theatre as well


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