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"I Am Not My Hair."

I love the skin I'm in.

By Soul SistahPublished 5 years ago 1 min read
Kinky, curly, or nappy I love my natural hair and it makes me happy to

be unapologetically me and that makes me feel free.

Look at your big lips, big hips, and dark skin thinking you are a queen, but according to society with that hair, skin, and body you can't win. But, I know the truth so I continue to embrace my natural roots and transcend.

We are constantly forced to conform to the European standards to fit in and yet when we stand out there goes the culture vultures with their hands out biting off of our culture and telling us our natural look is unapproachable and not suitable for corporate America. I really wish you simple minded people would stop comparing us.

My natural beauty is powerful beyond measures, I refuse to straighten it so with your hair you can do whatever. I love my 4C course hair because it is a national treasure, many have tried to imitate it but like my skin tone, it is never duplicated.

Keep your perms and skin bleach, I don't want to see my full lips and cultural hairstyles become a trend in your magazines and fashion scenes.

You can keep your side eyes and stares when you see my fro, continue looking crazy when I rock my "I am a Black Queen", shirt and turning up your nose.

I am beautiful, and my melanin is on fleek, don't hate me cause I stand out and my hair is unique. Don't look at me with disgust when I speak, I refuse to be silent or labeled weak. I decided I would break the mode and take control of me and my 4C course hair that makes me rare and unapologetically me.

"I Am Not My Hair"

slam poetry

About the Creator

Soul Sistah

Content creator and writer.

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