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No longer feared

By Sid l.cPublished 5 years ago 2 min read

Rising with the moon she sat and basked in the glow of the shore

Her only friend, the only loving touch she’s ever known

Brightly grieving the loss of the innocence she begged to hold onto for so long

All that was ripped from her when forced to become this storm so widely feared along the coasts of humanity

His sun is rising, waking her beauty and showing the world

Even the hurricane that brings destruction and chaos unveil the truest forms of beauty

Oh how she held all these things with such power

To break down the barriers standing in the way of progression

Her ability to destroy all that was meant to keep her from thriving

The control she held over those unwilling to rebuild

Each time walking through the destruction of her hands, weeping for the things she could not save

With a smile creeps on her silk cheeks knowing what she brings next, it to is promising

She is a natural disaster dressed to impress the men she comes to take back to where their hearts ache.

This hurricane shatters the windows of the souls she so desperately craves

She shelters them in the eye of the storm

Where the devastation is quiet, the screams are peacefully choired

Almost meldolic in the pitches

Inside the hurricane the light of the gods is felt full heartedly

Inside her, she holds the calm and peace

this hurricane extends her hands with sincerity in her palms to those left behind with no promise of the sun grieving back.

She is the hurricane that will wreak havoc unto love

The storm that will come in and show you that rebuilding from the debris is what is necessary

Her hurricane is embodied in her smile, the one that shines like the moonlight kissing the sun good morning

The calm of her storm lies in your arms while the sun rests his head in your hemisphere

The destruction she has caused and the love she has broken, leave her a new understanding

How beautiful the hurricane can be in all its devastating glory

She is no longer ashamed of being the monster that destroys his cities

Her hurricane has power

Her hurricane is strong and magnificent in a way natural disasters are meant to be.

She’s entangled by the calm of the storm

A hurricane with greater purpose

A hurricane brought about with the love the tides of the ocean bless her with

Riptides whispering her name to the goddess’s and gods that control her weakest tendencies

The hurricane with control over the mess she has been labeled

A look back of fondness to destroy those who tempted her power

Her hurricane is nothing to be feared anymore

Her calm has been blessed


About the Creator

Sid l.c

Writing the things i stay up all night thinking about. Just trying to figure things out.

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