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My Serendipity

By Jasmine RodriguezPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

Like every other day

I've watched over her for years now, protecting her from our past.

I hate that we have to be separated in this life and I envy that with a passion but one thing led to another and here we are today.

But it's fine later we're going to finally reunite and be together again.

For now patience is key but slowly I've been lacking that very same patience, how can i deny her beauty.

The beauty she has is nothing compared to others but you can't tell at first because of her guarded expression. But it's so worth it when she doesn't feel the need to be on guard all the time, that's why I appreciate the off guard moments.

Her smile takes my breath away and i find it hard to breathe when I'm around that smile of hers.

The way her nose wrinkles when she concentrates hard during simple or difficult tasks.

Her nice black hair as it falls on her shoulders when she lets it down from her ponytail.

But these last two things are nothing compared to all those other traits. First one would be her dark brown eyes, I just can't get enough of those eyes. It shows so much emotion that you can't really put it into paper, you'll have to feel them.

The second and final thing I love is her heart. No matter what hardships she went through that heart of hers still stays golden. It may be chipped here and there but it never stopped her from loving others, giving them countless of chances to redeem themselves even if they don't deserve it.

It's because she knows how it feels to be unloved, she knows how sometimes it can get to a person.

She's honestly an angel, my angel that I can't wait to be reunited with and that would be soon my love.

love poems

About the Creator

Jasmine Rodriguez

25 yrs old // Creative Writer// //Freelancer//photographer// night person//dancer// movie lover // hopeless romantic

“Real love doesn’t meet you at your best. It meets you in your mess.”

-J.S Park

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