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Heartbreak of a King

A Poem

By Josh MarsPublished 6 years ago 1 min read
Wrote this is 2015, to this day it remains one of the most painful poems I've ever written.

The sun rose as he arose out of bed

And his eyelids lifted revealing the warmth of his eyes

He can't seem to shake the strangest feelings being conceived

in his heart as he looked out into the beautiful skies

Soon he would reside in the fact that something was troubling him

and there was nothing that could be done

For, what had been troubling him was heavy on his mind for days

But the heart pays when you accept the reality of what is meant to knock you down

The problem was his queen, she was everything that he could ever dream

But recently it seemed like she no longer cared to be loved by him

so he pleaded, and pleaded, and pleaded, but she refused.

She apologized if he ever felt like he was being used and she used that to her advantage

to break away from this king, this king she no longer had plans with

This was the start of what would become of a broken king and the shell of a person who is no longer the man... the KING he once was..

The pain residing in his heart goes beyond comprehension as he became one with his grief

This... is the Heartbreak of a King.


About the Creator

Josh Mars

I'm Josh, a 19 year old aspiring poet. I heard about Vocal through a friend and the concept really caught my attention, so here I am! I really hope you enjoy everything that is to come. So buckle up for the ride!

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