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From Nothing

From Nothing to Something

By CaitiePublished 7 years ago 1 min read

From nothing.

You're the reason I'm where I am.

You're the reason I am who I am.

You're the reason I strive for perfection.

You're the reason I'm hard on myself, why I try to not be how everyone thinks I will turn out or even expects me to be.

You lied, cheated, stole, hurt.

Why do they compare me to you? I don't know.

Why do they think I won't make it? If I could only guess.

That reason is you.

I may have your eyes, your smile, even that attitude.

But I do not have your will to ruin all who enters my life.

I will not turn to the things you have, I will resist all temptations.

For I am not you.

You're the reason I strive for success.

For I have seen what one does when striving for the opposite.

You say you're sorry but then do the same things you were supposed to be sorry for.

If you couldn't tell I have turned the Perry name into something from nothing due to where I've gone, where I've been.

Like Johnny Cash, I've been everywhere.

From your drunkenness to your doped out reality.

From your lies to your everlasting truths.

I am nowhere close to being like you.

Yet they compare me to such?

I am no criminal, although one time thought I'd be the opposite.

But enough about me. I'm fine.

I did it without you.

To something.

From nothing to something I am.

Thing is, you could've done it too.


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