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From a Seed to a Yellow Rose

As a seed, all I wanted is to be planted.

By ShaylaJ💋Published 5 years ago • 1 min read

As a seed, all I wanted is to be planted. Imagining my roots growing and stretching, until I've reached the cooled walls signaling me towards the end of my pot. To bask in the sill of someone's window, waiting patiently for you to come and fill me with love, wisdom, and power. As a seed THIS is all that I desired, longing, wanting, needing to be loved by YOU. Inevitably you gave me all that I was searching for, sitting there, in the sill of the window I always wanted! This little seed was able to gaze out to the garden upon a different view. While you undeniably helped me sprout and grow as big as you possibly could. The confines of my pot had become frigid and lonely, I watched from the sill everyday as they in the garden had everything they needed and wanted. Where as I was lucky if your subconsciously unconscious mind reminded you to water me that day. The seed you once longed for, desired, and held so dear now forgotten and lost. Just when I felt without a hope he found me, his hands soft and gentle yet strong. He shattered the ceramic cell that had once held me captive, allowing my roots to be free. Never had I been so exposed and open. The feeling was surreal yet familiar, almost euphoric as he removed me from the old soil I had been planted in for what felt like a lifetime. Placing me in the same garden I once looked upon from the sill, never thirsting nor longing. Giving me everything I needed to surpass those flowers I envied in the past. Here I am, in the garden, FLOURISHING, A RARE YELLOW ROSE.


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