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A Poem

By Theresa NorvPublished 5 years ago 1 min read

And yes, she hated it so much that no-one could ever imagine. She hated it so much that all blood in her body became cold in just a seconds and that is because she's just a human. And she is tired of everything. Tired of all this world's bull*hit. Opinions, theories, thoughts, governments, societies, bullies, terror acts, protests, fake people —everything. And in just a moment that everything became nothing. And it felt better. If honestly, it felt better than never before. Finally, she became free. She felt free. Free from stress, worries, thoughts, rude words and stupid feelings. Now there is no need to think about what other people say, think or whatsoever. Now she can breath. It is a fresh, new start. The new start is called—being selfish. Maybe it is even not so bad as everyone thinks these days. Maybe it is even a lot better to think more about yourself—what do YOU like, what do YOU think and what do YOU want to do. If you would think about how hard it is to think differently and see things from other prospective, you would notice that it's even not hard at all. It takes just a moment. And it is amazing how much a few seconds can change. Probably everything, right?

performance poetry

About the Creator

Theresa Norv

<.It's just a beginning.>;

Love to create & write different stories and express my thoughts through words

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