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Finding Freedom

Hurricane Me

By Chelsea HillPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

I sat with my butt planted in the sand in the month of December the year 2017. I packed up my car and just drove for miles and miles until I reached this place. Life beforehand had taken a turn for the worse. I just needed answers, and I didn't know where to find them, but this seemed like the perfect start.

I lost my baby.

I lost my job.

I lost my house.

I lost all hope.

The wind. The waves. The sand. They changed everything. They changed the way I saw life. The waves would come to a certain point in the sand and would not go any further. They would just go back the way the came and do it all over again.

Then I realized it. That's it... I had been the waves in my own life. Only going so far just to go back to the same thing over and over again. Going back to the same relationships, jobs, going back to the same hopeless cycle.

I came and sat my ass in this same spot for days on end until one day I made up my mind that I am a hurricane. My waves have no barriers. My wind can not be contained. My movements are destructive. Whoever is in my path I am either taking with me or destroying. That day I realized my power. My royalty. My strength.

I. Am. Hurricane.

Free me.


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