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False Vibes

Never trust a deep mind and a smile.

By Soul SistahPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

He lured me in with his conversation, with his words

my mind got stimulated, I was smitten almost head over heels,

until I learned false vibes can make you think even the ones who are

fake, keep it real.

I soon learned a deep mind doesn't equal a loving heart, especially

when it wasn't real love from the start. Sometimes we get caught up

in the attraction and instead of playing it cool, we start reacting and

acting like school girl's with crushes.

But, how can we not get a little infatuated, when he says the right things

that makes you blush and begin fantasizing of what could be, but even in

fantasy he fooled me.

I kept trying to visual and emphasize how magnetic his pull was and how

when he talks that talks, I get a rush, then I lust and trust in that moment,

All I see is him, standing there in a room, just the two of us.

False vibes will make you feel emotions that lead to you hoping or

wishing when everything you need is right there waiting

if you can get away from the brother with the deep mind, who crosses

your T's and dot your I's.

He'll have you so far gone, it never would've entered your mind that he

like a woman is nothing more than a tease. Likes to chase, but never likes

to captures his prey, he just leads you on and leave you standing there

with the false vibes.

While he watches from afar as your dreams of being together shatter.

Then he laughs, because to him it never mattered if you hit it off, he was

just in it to let his ego get a boost. Even if it meant hurting you, so a word

to the wise never let someone get you lost in their false vibes. Because real

eyes recognize real lies.


About the Creator

Soul Sistah

Content creator and writer.

Welcome to my world, come inside and let my poetic vibes soothe your soul, while my words echo in your mind and leave you wanting more.

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