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Die Hard, Die Smart

They're Lying

By Mr. KUTZKYPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

I never once knew love

But I had a lot of people lie to me about it in pretty details.

I fueled my dreams of it on this and kept myself together through some odd weather.

I sure wasn’t prepared for when my mind hit, that thing took a chunk out of soul, replaced it with a secret basement and a couple false bottoms.

Everyone around me wanted to steal it as a phase they’d went through and something we all do, well then how the hell come you didn’t mention you ever having one? Or at least say something to prepare me for when the time would come.

The truth is they’re lying,

I know what they’re trying and it I’m not buying,

Less and less I was impressed

with whatever anyone would confess,

no one hands anything worth hearing off the top of their head,

the only useful words are unheard,

they take searching

and a clever minded person.

Both sides of the pen

the writer and reader,

the readily available

is tailored to the bottom feeder.

All the I’ve found worth finding

took some finding,

there’s no silver lining

to be applied to every angle of our lives.

What most people live by is a motto of the moron just getting by.

Why the majority

are out to lunch on their sense of authorityis largely due to

no trials

no tribulations

no imagination

and no sense of self initiation.

Even then

I’ve met men

who’ve lived the wickedest of lives

and still spit lies.

Trial and tribulation

isn’t a guaranteed initiation

into something far smarter

than most people’s imagination.

The hill I’m facing

just to have some logic heard is god damn absurd,

surmounting this mountain

of morons piled one by one

head in bum

is pure dumb.

I’ll climb it

cause I know I can

but god damn

most of you make a mess of this land.

Complaints and complainers are incoherent drainers.

If I gave advice to me

I’d say they’re pretty much all lying,

and most of them aren’t really trying,

words from their mouth are flying

but none of it’s best to be buying.

Spend your certainty sparingly.

Trust nothing.

Trust is a route

to a polluted soul,

things that are worthy

will prove not in their longevity

but more so in their applicability.

Even then

be suspicious

some things just taste so delicious.

Know that they don’t know

and know the worst of it all

is not much of that will change

You’ll grow forward

while they stay the same,

it’s a pain to take pride in, and weather its toll

when you have to take to dividing.

Deciding their useless is the hardest thing to do.

But know that that’s them

and that’s not you.

If you can maintain this type of true true

you’ll be progressing slowly towards what you see you can do.

After time

things will come occasionally

somewhat simply,

be suspicious

if it was too easy.

Sometime that’s how it’s meant be

but sometimes

it’s a troll tricking you

to do it lazily.

It’s an invisible war out here all the time.

And they’re preying on the strong mind,

grab some cigs

some rest

and keep doing

what you do best.

Self-reflection will be your protection

and when it’s honed your armor

harder than any lie can try to barter

brush them off

back into their senselessness

and keep doing what you’re doing

until it’s time to rest.

Respect those dreams

and know the true ones are premonitions,

the invisible world speaks in mental transmissions. Share these visions not with many

hell try and not share them

with any.

Only you need to know where you want to go.

Move towards it

and know it’s heading your way

you’ll meet in the middle

but don’t share this riddle

lots would love to say

they know it will come some day,

most of them are lying from their minds couch.

Always be weary of an open mouth.

Keep yours shut about everything to anyone.

Only use it to get your work done.

Your trade

your task

it will give you not all you could ask

but exactly what you need.

Don’t tell this tidbit to the idiot

they’ll claim they know

you don’t always get what you want

but you always find what you need.

If their mouths are open you should know by now not to feed.

The liars talk the most,

swerve those ill nerved perverts,

and keep your personal possession pure,

exercise a bit physically

but work out eight times as much mentally,

consume knowledge limitedly look to yourself

and be suspicious of how you see you see.

Tracking your own tendencies

will be paramount

in eliminating blind spots,

wash them clean

and be weary


at which point

you took them to carry.

Lots of stuff can linger

from the early days

before you knew

they knew not

what they say.

Their lies

let them cause you dismay

and fuel you onwards

on your way.

Wash off the waste and keep pace.

These are a lot of habits to keep

and I never said they’d be easy

but this is what I’d say

to a younger me

in a younger day.

I repeat it now in my head and I’ll live like this until I’m dead.


About the Creator


All things dark and strange, the beauty of complexity, the isolation of integrity. Honest articulations on the perks and pitfalls of both. Keep your mind sharp and a sword to your heart.

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