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Compliment Other Women

Nonjudgmental Zone

By Charlene EllisonPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

Women we all come in different weight, height, and race

We were never meant to look exactly alike…that is our gift

Although, our pace is different and at times we prefer space

When I glance at another woman I see beauty and I like to compliment her

It makes someone's day…they smile believing that we can empower each other

Not an attitude of jealousy…like look at Mrs. Bougie and her mink fur

It takes more to dislike someone and create an opinion about them

Or even what you possibly have heard another person say out of misery

Yet you pass judgment to throw stones to try to condemn

Women are smart, talented, gorgeous, and above all we are fierce

Furthermore, several roles such as a mother, student, and careers the list goes on

How can one start their day without fear and with all that is thrown at them with strikes to pierce?

Yes, pierce… like a sharp dagger metaphor speaking thrown their way

When you look at another woman try to identify the beauty in her yet we all fight battles

Just simply try for one day to see how you can uplift some one’s day

Instead of a frown or a storm that bring forth unwanted rattles

It brings confidence and positivity towards an environment leaving negativity at the door

There are no rules in being kind… it shows character… be the domino effect

Break the cycle of if you do not speak then I will not either… not anymore

Compliment other women by never wanting to hold them down… be a role model

If her crown is crooked let her know in secret not putting on a show for others

Just remember…there is a little girl watching and your actions she will follow


About the Creator

Charlene Ellison

I am a graduate student in general psychology. I love to express emotions through creative writing leaving individual's with a positive thought out of a bad situation!

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