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Breathe In

Breathe Out

By MCBerthaG DivinityPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

So this is what it's been all about Bertha G?

It's been about you wanting to come out and see?

To swim in the rivers and sit among trees?

You evil bitch! How dare you play with me

I've been in pain isn't it plan to see

my heart's been aching for what seems like an eternity

and all you care about is talking to a tree?

it's as if you think you have a college degree

in sitting pretty underneath a willow tree

with pink petals floating down all around

sitting lotus you're safe and sound

the breeze is all you need to cool down

breath is vibrating into the ground

you're one with mother earth breathe in breathe out

breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out

Do some sun salutations you stupid fool

have faith in what brought you to sit this stool

get off your fat ass and wipe off the drool

if you've learned one thing from this ridiculous duel

it's that no one else will swim in that pool

it's your job, you gotta stay tight

till your dead don't you ever give up the fight

and maybe you live forever you just might

and let me enjoy my summer that started the other night

without you getting me all uptight in a fright

you know no matter what you'll be alright

breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out

see how I did that I caught you off guard

you thought this was gonna be another sympathy card

but instead, it was to pull you in hard

cuz I'm Bertha G and I work for the lord

I do everything he tells me no matter how tard

it may seem to the layman who walks this big world

I'm Bertha G and I'll sit on my stone

under this tree now leave me alone

don't bother me again with this monotonous drone

I'm tired and I want to develop my throne

breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out

breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out

breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out

breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out...

slam poetry

About the Creator

MCBerthaG Divinity

BFA in modern dance performance from CSU Long Beach. 30 year master Pilates instructor. Writer, rhymer, choreographer, dog lover, with an undying faith.

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