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Brand New Eyes


By Deshawn LeGrandPublished 6 years ago 8 min read

Brand new eyes

This broken body of mine filled with anger

Unable to trust

Unable to fully love without fear

Unable to see without judging

Unable to care

Unable to feel

Unable to be happy

Cast my tired face to the sky

As thoughts of malice pass my mind

A lack of wanting to try anymore

Infects every cell in my self

Tired of being lied to

Tired of being abused

Tired of being blamed

Tired of being ashamed

Tired of feeling sorry

For myself and others

Tired of being bled dry

Tired of pretending

A thought of violence the only thing trending

My sense of right and wrong fading

I pray to be loved

I pray to be happy

I pray not to be alone

To be noticed

Wanted allowed to be

Welcomed and free

Yet to unchain my limbs

To release my wings

I must first change

How I take the pain

How I feel in the rain

How I maintain

And how I re-frame

Even if I fail at first

Even if I can’t fly

Even if I have to break past ties

So be it

For now, I look at this world

With brand new eyes

Infinite World

Imagine/ an infinite world

A world of light

No one dwelling in pain and spite

Where even existing has to be a fight

Blood soaked garments and fractures minds

Clouded in darkness unable to summon happy times

Each word like that of active mines

Buried is our lust for life

Now destined to roam as empty shells

Our shed tears enough to fill all the dry wells

Croaked and greedy we can no longer see innocence

Only remember the feeling of its presence

Kindness nothing more than a pastense

But imagine if love stayed true

Imagine if all families where strong

Imagine if hatred was gone

Imagine if idiocy died out

Imagine if all where welcome to walk about

Imagine a world you didn’t want to block out

A world not limited by doubts

A world controlled by the hope its sprouts

Cleansed by its past mistakes

Revolving around the people fates

Re-imagine in the eyes of those who only want to create

And untouchable by those filled with envy and hate

Imagine if your tears were heard

Your pains addressed

Your broken ideas mended

Your presence enjoyed

Not being bond to the earth as mere specs but sometime more

Changing the very fabric of reality

Bending the false perception that we are limited

That we are weak when we are strong



Who Are You to Call Me Weak

who are you to call me weak?!

I’m not the strongest person in the group

You say this as if I were not already in the loop

I’m not the smartest in class

As your rigid words cut like glass

I’m not the fastest runner around

As if being so would make me more accustomed to all the new enemies I have found

I’m not the most popular

Yet I see the world much clearer

I idle my thumbs and watch you puppets dance about

as if you know what life was without a doubt

I’ve walked along life with my dreams clasped in hand

Something you could never understand

Lived through broken hopes and crushed loves

Still every moving forward/ my soul now thick and ragged like tore gloves

With an almost ghastly smile I pretend nothing is wrong

As I play my favorite song

In the background on my mind lies fragmented tears

Shattered endlessly over the ground for I have cried inside for years

But still living day by day

By anyway

And yet

Even after all this you call me weak

You the person who stands on their own lost fantasy

As you break and bend to fit society’s rules slowly losing your humanity

Surely it is insanity

Or is simply meant to get ones vanity to its peak

You the fool who stands in the shadow of clown

Matters of knowledge and common sense you can only frown

A hopeless mass that wonders moment by moment trying to steal others happiness

Nothing more than an ugly unfortunate leech trying to share in others bliss

No I am far stronger than you will ever know

Much more than one pained filled smile could ever show

Filtered hatred for my past trying to devour my innocence

Blackened faces hiding in the twilights resonance

The only escape from my harsh reality is a fractured illusion

Filled with disrespect and judgment for no reason

Yet here I am still standing

Immune to you idiotic branding

Stronger than your insecurities

Already healed from your past repeated injuries

Breathing in life and all of its purities

So next time you call me weak remember

You don’t know what lies’ behind my eyes

Or what’s written in my skies/ so tell me

How are you to call me weak?

Dreams Are Forever Reborn

Dreams are forever reborn

As we wake to the day before us our hearts aspire to live their dreams

As we thread needle by needle back together a world that is falling apart at its seams

A new day to pave the way for our lost confidence

A new outlook sifting forward as our actions become pages in a book

Even with tears hidden behind our fake smiles we can still laugh

As we fight not to drown in a sea of malice that covers our minds like a bath

Even with poison in the air we still breathe

Knowing that it is only our souls that cannot be deceived

Even with broken limbs and cuts we still run

Surviving every challenge and grinning as if it where fun

Even when the sky re-sends darkness we still look up

Catching our Deepening tears as they full our cups

Even when our hearts are crushed we still love

As we drag the chains of the past within us with bloodstained gloves

Even threw broken trust and lost friends we still moved forward

Refusing to give up like a sad coward

Even with lost faith we still believe

Wielding a sense of passion that can cleave

Even when we fail we still try

Healing our scars from years past by

Even after death we still live on

Walking around as if our bodies weren’t torn

Even as we cry in misery we are still strong

Consuming the darkness inside to keep moving along

Even with a shattered past we still reach for the future

Collecting whatever we can to hold and nurture

Even if when fall from the skies we’ll still fly

Because to live without your dreams is to give up and die

Even with cold darkened hearts we can still change

As we finally see a genuine smile and think how strange

There are many things that we will face in life but its ok

One day we will make it through the darkness and to the sunlight

Because dreams are forever reborn

Infinite Drops of Rain

The infinite drops of rain

As we walk into the sunlight our shadows are exposed

As we are swallowed by shadows our light can be seen

In this world life’s a dream held in one’s heart

In a corridor of misery, we hold our dreams

Lost in the blinding road of the world’s perception

Being broken into place

Common sense and sincere kindness hid within a thin lace

Why is it that we try to be the same?

Being deluded into a false fates game

Why is it we try to kill that what is unique?

With subjective words like weird or freak

Why does the world hate its own reflection?

Unable to live in its own creation

Drowning in its own shame

Bonded by its own self-blame

Yes this world filled with fools and petty rejects

Yet there is beauty everywhere

For each second of the day, there is a different person

For each color, there is a different smile

For each beam of sunlight, there is a different story

For each pain, there is a different happiness

For each heart, there is a different hope

For each tear, there is a bigger reason

For each struggle, there is a different strength

For each voice, there is a different song

For each trail, there is a different dream

For each life, there is a different path

For each breath, there is a different chance

For each drop of rain, there is a different soul

We are not the same we all are different

And we are all worth something to someone

So don’t change

And be happy

That you are one of the infinite drops of rain

A false smile what’s a joker to a king

You know my name

Not my story

You see my smile

Not my pain

You know where I stand

But not how I got there

You can read my lips

But not my mind

You’ve heard of my present

Yet know nothing of my past

You envy my strength

Without every realizing my struggle

You hate me

For no reason but pity

You judge me

Before ever saying hi

You whose dreams lay wayward in the shy

You whose ideals rival I

You who wish that I would cry

Yet I won’t for you do not know me

And this is the reason why I smile

because what's a joker to a king

The Guardians

The guardians

They are stronger than most, as they carry stones uphill

Though you cannot see the struggle within their hearts

Their faster than most, as they run past you riding your bike

Yet no matter how fast they run their broken dreams will catch them

They are smarter than most, as they teach you how to assemble thousands of new things

However, they are not like others

They can protect you from the cruel world

Yet when they are weak who protects them?

They smile on the outside

Even if their dying on the inside

They help all those who are in pain

Even if in the end no one remains by their side


Because it is those who have been through misery that smile the biggest

It's is those who have been discarded that are the most understanding

Those who have had their hearts broken that are the most loving

Those who had their dreams crushed that stand the tallest

Those who have cried alone in the dark that are the strongest

Those who have seen pain that are the nicest

Those who have been mistreated that have the biggest hearts

Those who have walked alone that fear nothing

Judge not with your eyes but your heart because the happiest people are those who have suffered the most.


About the Creator

Deshawn LeGrand

hello there I am just a laid back guy who loves poetry id also like to meet other fellow poets til then

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