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Be You

Being you is hard.

By Karoline BuPublished 5 years ago 1 min read

There is only one of you

You'e a masterpiece, and as the Japanese to broken ceramics, they pour the cracks with gold and put it together. As then they view it as more beautiful than what it was.

It is the breaks and cracks that make us unique and beautiful. There is nothing that exists when it comes to perfection. Yet we all strive to achieve this perfection that is impossible to obtain, as there are just too many differences

So rather take of your hood that hides your beautiful face. Take off the lies of who you really are not, and finally be free. Free to be who you are.

The beginning will not be easy, as many will be jealous or will not like the freedom you have managed to gotten. So take a breath and keep on going as you are beautiful and true friends will emerge then.

Smile and be gentle only to those that are to you. As some will want to drag you down so they can feel better. But there will be those that will stand beside you and be there for you. Even if only over the internet.

It's like a jellyfish, it looks like nothing. But if you get close to it, it will sting you. Yet other jellyfishes will swim beside it without being hurt.


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