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A Poem

By Michael avantPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

At the end of the tunnel you're the light

I envision,

Let's cut to the chase, dare to make the first


Maneuvers sharp and cutting edge with

The upmost precision,

Fool's story tell tales of mistakes and

Failed decisions.

Braced for collisions as I analyze

The crash,

Skeptically rose from the flames rather than

Basking in the ash.

Depending on the device I input I'll reach the

Highest definition,

Sprouting unsuspected wings and a

Pious recognition.

Deciphering my language comes in handy

Despite the nature of my sign,

Betrayals' bloody tool has found a comfy home

Next door to my spine.

Following the gripping excerpt that's been

Stitched in my hands,

Controlling my Hannibal tendencies stems from

Silencing sly lambs.

Recommended migration from the wire

You admire,

Defending a fairytale honor from an antagonist

Breathing fire.

Uncertain future for crippling beliefs we do not

Stand for,

The sun sets a radiant agenda we have yet

Planned for.

Received widely is a past that was hardly

Ever pleasant,

Gratefully disguise my intellect as a bow and

Wrap it around the clever present.

Poor attitude amongst riches only

Constitutes a peasant,

May the pills that you bury play their

Roll as a crescent.

Transforming a scribbled identity into

The mature imposter you sign in,

Now accompanied at the table by an angel

In the hell that I dine in.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Michael avant

Hello fellow creators. In short I'm nothing more than a very big fan of this art form we all love called Poetry. Playing with words and thoughts, bending and twisting ideas is all part of this therapeutic yet challenging past time.

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