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The Light from an Angel

By Harydo NeonPublished 7 years ago 1 min read

Nature did bring forth a lot of wonderful things

Birds, flowers, men, women, queen and kings

But of all these things, there was an ultimate creation

In this dark void of my mind, came forth this creature

An embodiment of what true beauty can't stand

Her hair, so delicately made to turn the eyes of men

Her eyes, so trapping and mesmerizing that I was lost in it

Her lips, as red as the scottish rose

Her body, the ultimate description of femininity

Is she worthy to be a Queen?

No, she is what I describe as an angel

I step forward to meet this figure of high-class

She captured my soul in a lightening flash

Her smile, brightens my day to its brightest

But to all these. something more captured my heart

She isn't like other girls, were she to be called a girl

All humans were made in a day

She was crafted in a month, ultimate perfection

We talk of things I opt not to say

And I found out that she is far more than I thought

Talking with her has never made me anymore free

Talking with her became a reason to live

Her gentle soul, her peaceful mind

Piece by piece, I think am loosing myself in her

If I didn't know better I would have called her mother nature

Her voice is so resounding that it sparks sweetly in my ears

She is as amazing as the sunrise and sunset

There are a lot of fascinating things about her

Her love for culture made me want to know her more

She is an angel, she is, the word I would have used doesn't exist

My once dark void seems to have been brightened a little

At this point, I drop my descriptive pen

love poems

About the Creator

Harydo Neon

I drain my thoughts through my pen. That's the only way I breathe.

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