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A Plague Upon You

A Poem

By Colin HopePublished 7 years ago 1 min read
A Plague Upon You

A plague of humans,

Infesting the Earth,

They cannot stop breeding,

That is their curse.

The human plague,

Has become so grave,

That the man made environment,

Is destroying the clades.

We are an event,

An extinction event,

Where is your so called stewardship,

I do so want to vent.

Your mumbling lip service,

When all that you have ever serviced,

Was yourselves.

To lazy to think,

You are what you wrote,

Mouthing platitudes,

Spewing hate.

A murder of crows,

Has more compassion,

Than a mewing human,

Whatever fashion.

The human race,

Such a disgrace.

Unable to see,

Past the me.


Because thinking is hard,

So very hard,

If you do it critically.

No true vision,

Just exploit, exploit,

You are so adroit,

At widening those divisions.

Stinking with corruption,

But still you're wanting more,

As you are tithed, are you so blind?

As the planet moans,

As the liars grate and groan.

Mouthing platitudes to the multitudes,

From human scratched books,

So helpful to the crooks,

Written by, written for.

The only place,

That you will find resolution,

Is inside your delusion,

You might as well, be an illusion

As you linger,

In your illusions,

You slowly lose your minds,

To the hallucination.

Is it an eye?

That you think you can see,

In your sky?

As you build your fantasy temples,

With a greedy smile.

You're just a symptom,

Of the decay.

Just a symbol,

Of a broken whole.

I am crippled,

But I don't buy guilt,

On every special day.

I witness with anxiety,

Your on going depravity.

I lounge on the garbage heap,

Of despair.

I would be so better off,

On Planet Claire.

Ignorance inaction,

Will be humanities epitaph,

As they worship from books,

Written by misogynistic mongrels,

Who had no right,

Who didn't even know,

Where the sun went at night.

© Colin Hope 2017.

nature poetrysocial commentary

About the Creator

Colin Hope

An ex surveyor living in Toronto, Canada on long term disability due to being crazy. I fried my brain and now have a honking great anxiety disorder. I have been writing poetry since the mid seventies. I'm green-left who used to work for Gre

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