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Dear All the Luna Lovegoods

Your minds are filled with wonder, and your hearts are filled with love...

By Claira EastwoodPublished 7 years ago 1 min read

Dear all the Luna Lovegoods

Hello! I'm one too

I'm sometimes called looney

And it hurts, that's true

But darling, stand up straight, keep your head up, be proud!

For you are smart but believe the impossible

And that's a hard truth to be found

Your minds are filled with wonder

And your hearts are filled with love

And though mocked and made fun of

You will stand above

With the moon and the stars

And someday, with our minds, the world will be ours

To seek and discover all that lies

Although not everyone will see it with our eyes

Your intelligence is charming

And your quirks are quite daring

But, to be honest, some wish for a heart that's THAT caring

So, go on, keep living in that wonderful mind forget what those people say, you won't fall behind

The world was made for people who love logic and order

And though we sometimes like that too

We'd much rather border between

Impossible and possibly plausible

The moon is our best friend, and knowledge is what we look for

So put on your polka-dot shoes and step through that front door

Yes, you'll see tragedy and your kind heart will break

Because the world isn't always loving

It's a downright scary place

But if you need some encouragement, look no further than your name

For you are loving, and you are good

And "looney", though some think it should,

Is not always a bad thing

So go on, let your hearts and mind sing

About things that you know to be true and believe

And if you're asking me what I believe to be true?

Dear all the Luna Lovegoods,

I believe in YOU...


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